Fundamental Questions to Ask Pertaining to a Surprise Intellectual Property Invoice
If you've received a surprise intellectual property invoice, it's important to take a step back and assess the situation before paying the invoice. Here are some fundamental questions you should ask to help you evaluate the invoice: What is the invoice for? It's important to understand exactly what the invoice is for and what intellectual property it pertains to. This will help you determine whether the invoice is legitimate or not. Who is the sender? Make sure the sender is a reputable source and that you have a business relationship with them. If the sender is unfamiliar or suspicious, do some research to verify their authenticity. Was permission given? Determine whether you gave permission for the use of the intellectual property or if it was used without your consent. If you did not give permission, it's important to determine if the use was authorized under fair use or if it was infringing. What is the basis for the charges? Understand ho...